As you may be able to tell from the website itself, I'm a fan of journaling. I've been journaling since Middle School, but sadly...A lot of those old journals are lost. But that's okay! Everything will be immortalized with this website.
I also really like cryptids and aliens, (but who's to say they aren't one in the same?).
I'm a girl! I never mentioned that before. I'm probably the coolest one you'll ever meet, though. B)
I like drawing, even though I'm not very good at it, and as you can see from this website...I'm getting into coding too!
I like to document my extraterrestrial findings, and all the weird stuff I see around Coalfell.
I live with my brother and Pa...
Oh, and I like music! I figured out how to get audio working on the pages, what you hear on the main page, this one, and entries page...Are all some of my favorite songs.