Alright, so here's a bit of story-time
Romeo got me into video games last year, I was more interested in just hunting for a while. But a lot of people have been getting consoles recently...And then Pa came into the house one day with a 360! So here's a list of games I've been playing recently.
- Borderlands 2!
- Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed..
- Sonic 06.
I've been playing this game A LOT, and it's been pretty fun. Even though it has a shit-ton of bugs, it's still pretty fun.
Okay, I have a lot of... Choice words to say about this game, it's okay. That's all I'll say for now...
I have almost no words. Well, I WOULD have no words...If this game wasn't so FUCKING BAD! I can't believe it, I nearly broke the 360 out of rage!! I can barely FUCKING TYPE!!! Dude, I waited nearly an HOUR on one of the loading screens. GRAHHHHH!!!!!!!!! It's so FUCKING infuriating, IT'S SO INFURIATING THAT I TYPED OUT GRAH! I can't help but TWEAK OUT! I just learned what that word means but STILL, I'M TWEAKING! IM ABOUT TO FUCKING BREAK MY MONITOR! I'M GOING TO BREAK MY MONITOR, I SWEAR!